Looking for change…

Last year I had many wonderful experiences in which I grew in leaps and bounds and I also went through some really tough times personally which showed me who I really am.

My mind has been crowded with thoughts and feelings which I haven’t been able to categorise or understand completely, moments of pure inspiration and other of feeling like i don’t completely know what my purpose might be. All of these thoughts culminating in me wanting to define who I am vs who I think I am. It may sound negative but it isn’t all bad I think I’m realising more and more what it is that I want and not about making sure I am who everyone else wants me to be.

I have started this year off focusing on me, which is a first and I’m feeling very good about the changes that I am making, I have started looking at my health by going to gym more regularly, I am in the process of quitting smoking (something which even though I enjoyed have realised it’s not actually worth it in the long-term).

I for the first time in a long time feel like I am ready to fully fall in love with someone special, someone who I can call my own. A person who i can show my love to and who will understand me when i lose the plot slightly. I have a feeling that the right guy will come into my life but until them it’s about what makes me, Mitch, happy.

I am also feeling the need to challenge myself, whether it be through work or in setting a goal for myself so that I have a little more direction as to achieving my happiness. as to what I can do as a challenge this is still a mystery to me but I know when I decide what the challenge is I’m gonna rock it!

Hehe its always weird how just putting things down in words makes the mind a little easier. Anyways I hope you are all well and the 2013 is going to be an amazing year for you all!


4 thoughts on “Looking for change…

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  1. What a great blog post. They don’t come more honest than this. All the best for 2013! It feels like you know ‘exactly’ what you want to get out of it! 🙂


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