A brief note on 2016 so far…

It has been ages since I have had a chance to sit down and write, so thought I would take a moment to put fingers to keyboard and share some updates on what’s been happening!

The last few months have been crazy busy with work but I have also been so fortunate in being able to get away for a few mini vacations to countries I have never seen before. I’ve braved the cold in Switzerland and Turkey and soaked up the sun in the beautiful city of Barcelona. Seen the Family twice this year and had some really special moments with them as we prepare for my little sister’s wedding next year! A few years ago I would never have imagined being this lucky to have such opportunities.

I’ve also grown over the last few months looking at what I want for the future and also pushing myself out of my comfort zone to make changes for the better. I look forward to the last two months of this year as I wrap up an interesting year of inspiration, challenges and all that good stuff that life has given me.

What have you been up to? Would love to hear from you all some time…

Let me know your thoughts..

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